National Love Your Pet Day 2024

National Love Your Pet Day 2024

National Love Your Pet Day 2024

My life is full of animals. I am a proud pet mummy and animal lover. Each one of them plays an important roll in my life and happiness.

 There's the horses - Star, Ted and Rodney. The dogs- Buddy and Monty. Tonks, Fleur and Winkey, the guinea pigs and Enid the elderly chicken.

"The love of my dogs is worth every dog hair, muddy paw print, every early morning and every pound spent." - Unknown

Our house is always covered in muddy paw prints and our car always has 'nose art' on the windows. There's usually mud under my fingernails and hay in my hair. But I wouldn't change any of it.

I had written a long blog post about each animals personality, but decided that actually, it was better to keep it short. I could prattle on about them all day but all you really needed to know was that I'm animal mad and If I ever see you in person with your dog / cat / horse / chicken / rabbit / guinea pig / rat / lizard or whatever, you better let me say hello! 😁

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