Random acts of Kindness Day 2024

Random acts of Kindness Day 2024

17th February is Random acts of Kindness Day. 

I'll be honest, this one nearly passed me by. I've been so busy working on the website and working on current orders that I almost missed today. But I managed to get a little something done, even if it was a bit last minute.

Pocket hug heart keyring

I've been making these hearts as my pocket hugs for a while, so I made up a few extras and packaged them as Random acts of Kindness.

Random acts of Kindness  Random acts of Kindness

I had hoped to put a few around and about but I ran out of time, so that's a job for another day. But here's a picture of one that I did manage to drop off.

Random acts of Kindness drop

I'll be dropping off more over the next few days and weeks. If you're local, then keep your eyes open and you may be lucky enough to find one. 🩵

What have you done for Random acts of Kindness Day 2024?

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